Pex vs. Copper & CPVC Piping – Which Is Best?
While technicians at White Knight Plumbing can do repairs to any type of existing plumbing system, we use Pex piping and fittings to do most repairs and in all of our new construction projects.
Here is why we use Pex Piping:
It is clean!
Unlike metal piping pex is immune to corrosion and mineral build-up, also, it uses no glue’s, solders or solvents to assemble which keeps potentially dangerous chemicals out of plumbing systems.
It is efficient!
Pex plumbing systems retain more heat in hot water lines and resist condensation on cold water lines. It will not burst in freezing conditions like metal piping will, which causes costly repairs. It is not affected by electrolysis which can cause small pin hole leaks in copper piping.
It is quiet and reliable!
Pex piping dampens rushing water noise making a quieter plumbing system so no more pipes that sing, whistle or make clunking noises in the wall or under the floor.
It is proven and guaranteed!
Pex piping has been around for more than 35 years with over 12 billion feet of tubing installed worldwide and is backed by a 25 year warranty when installed by a trained professional.
Pex vs. CPVC and Copper PEX CPVC COPPER
Resists corrosion, YES YES NO
pitting and scaling
Requires use of NO YES YES
torches, glues, solvents
Dampens rushing YES NO NO
water noise, eliminates
clunking and singing pipes
Retains heat in hot water YES YES NO
lines and resists condensation
on cold water lines
Flexible, eliminating YES NO NO
fittings and potential
leak points
Freeze resistant YES NO NO